
Showing posts from June, 2023


INTERNSHIP ASSESSMENT: Neha Pradeep Roll number: 110 My medicine posting during my internship year extended from 12th of April 2023 to the 12th of June 2023.  My time in medicine was divided into 4 parts, with 2 weeks each.  June 12th- June 28th : (UNIT)  I was placed in second unit. In this unit, Dr. Abhinaya, Dr. Narsimha, Dr. Prachethan and Dr. Harika were my SR and PGs. In duty, my main learnings came from time spent in OP, casualty and monitoring of admitted patients in unit.  Since we didn't have any admissions in unit for my first two weeks, most of my experience came from OP.  Here, we took history, examined the patient with respect to their presenting complaints. Here we learnt how to localize the problem without requiring excessive investigations and medicating without over treating.  On our first OP day, a case was brought to casualty in an unresponsive state, with seizure like activity.  Handling this case taught us a few basics of first line of treatment in emergency


Chief Complaints:  40yr female with to casuality with complaints of  high grade fever since 5-6 days C/o vomitings since yesterday C/i loose stools since today . Pt was apparently asymptomatic 5-6 days then she developed fever , sudden high grade not a/w chills and rigors , intermittent, releived temporarily on medication. C/o vomiting since yesterday h/o 3-4 episodes , content good particles ,non bilious , non projectile , nausea present  C/o abdominal bloating since yesterday C/o SOB since yesterday , releived on lying down,  No chestpain , palpitations PND orthopnea C/o loose stools since today , watery consistency, 4-5 episodes ,small quantity, non blood stained , not associated with pain abdomen. C/o epigastric pain since today , insidious onset , continuous , non radiating Past History:  N/k/c/o HTN DM CVA CAD TB ATHMA K/c/o Hypothyroidism since 10 years on tab. Thyronorm 100mcg /po/ od using irregularly since 15 days On examination:  Pt is c/c/c  No pallor , icterus , cyanosis,


This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome . Chief complaints:  Patient c/o itchy skin lesions over back, hands, neck, face since 3 months.  C/o fever since 2 months (1episode every day)  C/o oral ulcers since 1 month  C/o joint pain since 15 days  HOPI:  Patient was apparently normal 3 months back, when her complaints started as itchy skin lesions over back which progressed to hands.  C/O high grade, continuous fever, 1 episode per day, relieved on taking medication.  H/o painful oral ulcers since 1 month, associated with difficulty in s